Turvallisuusneuvosto ei halua tutkia kaasuputkien räjäytyksiäMaanantai 3.4.2023 - Juha Vuorio YK:n turvallisuusneuvostossa äänestettiin 27.3.2023 siitä, toteutetaanko Venäjän esittämä tutkimus Itämeren kaasuputkien - Nord Stream 1:n ja 2:n sabotaasin (räjäytysten) selvittämisestä. Tutkimusten toteuttamista kannatti Venäjän lisäksi Kiina ja Brasilia. Esityksen hyväksyntä olisi edellyttänyt vähintään kuuden lisä-äänen saamista. Sen sijaan kaikki muut, sekä pysyvät että vaihtuvat jäsenet äänestivät tyhjää. Tyhjää äänestivät USA, Britannia, Ranska, Albania, Sveitsi, Japani, Malta, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Mosambik ja Yhdistynyt Arabiemiriikunta, varmistaen sen, että ao. tutkimusta ei aloiteta. Security Council Rejects Draft Resolution Establishing Commission to Investigate Sabotage of Nord Stream Pipeline. 'The Security Council failed today to adopt a resolution, put forward by the representative of the Russian Federation, which would have established an international independent investigative commission into the September 2022 “acts of sabotage” committed on the Nord Stream gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea. By a vote of 3 in favour (Brazil, China, Russian Federation) to none against, with 12 abstentions, the Council rejected the draft resolution, owing to a lack of sufficient votes in favour. YK:n turvallisuusneuvoston jäsenmaista vain Venäjä, Kiina ja Brasilia haluavat selvittää Nord Stream -kaasuputkien sabotaasin. YK:n turvallisuusneuvosto siis hylkäsi Venäjän ehdotuksen Nord Stream -putkien räjähdysten tutkimusryhmästä. Voisi kuvitella, että kaikki muut kuin syyllinen haluaisivat tällaisen tutkimuksen. Ja että vain syyllinen haluaisi toimia turvallisuusneuvostossa siten, että YK:n alaista kansainvälistä tutkimusta ei tehtäisi. Todettakoon vielä, että asiassa usein viitataan, kuten tuon turvallisuusneuvoston äänestykseen liittyen siihen, että sitä tutkitaan parhaillaan Ruotsin, Tanskan ja Saksan toimesta. Perustelu on mielestäni outo, koska tutkimukset näyttäisivät etenevän hitaasti, eikä ainakaan päällepäin sellaisella laajudella ja yhteityöllä, kuin voisi kuvitella tällaiseen kansainvälisillä vesillä tapahtuneen monien maiden omaisuuteen ja energiahuoltoon liittynyt sabotaasi edellyttäisi. Todettakoon, että malesialaisen matkustajakoneen tuhoutuminen Itä-Ukrainan kapinallisten sotatoimialueen yläpuolella aiheutti nopeasti varsin aktiivisen ja julkisuudessa tiedottamista harjoittaneen vapaaehtoisen tutkimusryhmän perustamisen. Mitään vastaavaa harjoitusta (kenenkään tekemänä) ei näyttäisi olevan käynnissä. Myös Yhdysvallat on kertonut turvallisuusnevostonsa suulla, ettei sitä kiinnosta tuollaisen tutkimuksen tekeminen tai sellaiseen osallistuminen. Perusteluna oli mm. juuri tuo, että sitähän tutkitaan jo kolmen maan taholta itsenäisesti. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Itse huomasin ensimmäisenä jutun tästä twitter-sivulta: A Russian draft resolution establishing a commission to investigate the terrorist attack on the Nord Stream pipeline was rejected at the UN Security Council today. The record will say that no UNSC members voted against - but really all 12 "abstentions" were votes against the resolution. They voted knowing that 9 votes were required for approval: US, UK, France, Albania, Switzerland, Japan, Malta, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Mozambique and UAE. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** YK:n lehdistötiedote: 27 March 2023 Security Council Rejects Draft Resolution Establishing Commission to Investigate Sabotage of Nord Stream Pipeline 'The Security Council failed today to adopt a resolution, put forward by the representative of the Russian Federation, which would have established an international independent investigative commission into the September 2022 “acts of sabotage” committed on the Nord Stream gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea. By a vote of 3 in favour (Brazil, China, Russian Federation) to none against, with 12 abstentions, the Council rejected the draft resolution, owing to a lack of sufficient votes in favour. The resolution, if adopted, would have requested the Secretary-General to establish an international, independent investigation commission to conduct a comprehensive, transparent and impartial international investigation of all aspects of the act of sabotage on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines — including identification of its perpetrators, sponsors, organizers and accomplices. It would have outlined the commission’s composition, deciding that it would comprise “impartial and internationally respected experts” selected by the Secretary-General, and be furnished with an adequate number of experienced and impartial staff. Further by its terms, the Council would have requested the Secretary-General to report to it within 30 days on recommendations for the proposed specific modalities of the commission, and encouraged Member States — including those conducting their own relevant national investigations — to fully cooperate and share information with the commission. Speaking before the vote, the representative of the Russian Federation said his delegation was proposing the establishment of a United Nations-led, independent investigation into the Nord Stream gas pipeline attacks due to its “serious and very well-founded doubts” about the transparency of national investigations currently being conducted, namely by Denmark, Germany and Sweden. A more comprehensive and transparent investigation is needed, he stressed, especially given the emergence of new facts and media reports about the Nord Stream incidents. He also warned that “precious time is being wasted” and that national investigations could go on for years. China’s representative, expressing regret over the draft resolution’s failure, said that an international investigation would not, in fact, conflict with the national ones currently under way. A United Nations-led investigation could play a coordinating role and make the findings of other studies even more authoritative. Launching a United Nations-led investigation is also the best way to respond to broad international speculation, he said, adding that blocking the Council from launching such an investigation only raises suspicions that “something is hidden behind the scenes”. The representative of Brazil emphasized that any proposal by a Council member must be considered in a respectful and objective manner. Noting that preliminary information from European authorities indicate that the Nord Stream incidents were an act of sabotage with the possible involvement of a State actor, he cited the importance of more comprehensive efforts on the United Nations part to understand the attack. He encouraged those responsible for ongoing national investigations to share their conclusions with the Council as soon as possible. The representative of the United States, rejecting unfounded allegations about his country’s role in the act of sabotage on the Nord Stream pipeline, said the international community cannot tolerate damage to critical infrastructure. However, the text put forth by the Russian Federation was not an attempt to seek the truth, but rather to discredit the work of ongoing national investigations which might not reach conclusions that align with their predetermined narrative. Switzerland’s delegate, noting her delegation’s abstention, echoed expressions of concern about the events at the Nord Stream pipelines and condemned such attacks against critical infrastructure. However, Denmark, Germany and Sweden are currently conducting national investigations to shed light on the facts of those events, she said, calling on the Council to wait for their results. Mandating an additional investigation would not be beneficial at this stage, she added. The representative of Gabon, pointing out that Africa has hosted many international inquiries and independent experts over the years with implications for State sovereignty, said his delegation abstained because arguments about national investigations have routinely been ignored on his continent. “No one will accept these morality lessons anymore,” he stressed, declaring that today is “a good day for sovereignty of individual States, but a bad day for transparency and independence”. Also speaking were the representatives of Ghana, Ecuador, Malta, Japan, United Kingdom, France, Albania and the United Arab Emirates. The representatives of the Russian Federation and the United States took the floor several additional times. |